Red For Ed has come to Oregon!
Decades of disinvestment in education has resulted in unacceptable learning conditions for Oregon students. Our state has fallen short of adequately funding schools for the last 30 years. However, 2019 offers the best opportunity in years to finally make significant increases to school funding, with a pro-public education governor and a supermajority in the legislature. Oregon’s public schools need billions of dollars in additional funding to fully meet the needs of students, and we can make it happen.

Photo credit: Elizabeth Nahl
Educators are standing up because our students can’t wait any longer for:
- reasonable class sizes
- restored programs
- equitable opportunities to succeed
- safe schools
- enough counselors, school psychologists, nurses, social workers and specialists to thrive, not just survive
What is “Red For Ed”?
Red For Ed is a movement that is sweeping across the country, with educators coming together in West Virginia, Oklahoma, North Carolina, Kentucky and Arizona to achieve increased school funding and improved resources for students.
Momentum is building. On February 18th, 2019, almost 5,000 Oregon educators and public school families made history marching on the state Capitol to call on lawmakers to fully fund education. Around the state, school boards are passing resolutions in support of fully funding education and community members are chiming in. On March 13th, 2019, educators and community members hung banners and held signs during rush hour on over 50 freeway overpasses from Eugene to Portland.
After school on April 10th, 2019, hundreds of educators and supporters from all over the Portland Metro area got on the nearest MAX train to converge at Pioneer Courthouse Square for a rally. Check out some of the news coverage from the “Take it to the MAX” rally.
On May 8th, 2019, over 25,000 educators, students, parents and community members gathered in Portland for the “Fund Our Future, Fund Our Schools” rally and march. Educators took action in their communities all across the state as well. The Student Success Act (HB3427) was signed by the Governor shortly there after, which will provide $2 billion in additional investments every 2 years to lower class sizes, fund mental health supports, and ensure a well-rounded education for Oregon Students.
Our movement is stronger when educators, parents, students and community members come together. Here’s how you can help:

Photo credit: Elizabeth Nahl
Say “YES” for Student Success! Contact your legislators to thank them for their support for HB3427, the Student Success Act, the investment package proposed by the Joint Committee on Student Success. This bill has been passed by the House and the Senate and was signed into law by Governor Brown. The funding bill will provide $2 billion in additional investments to lower class sizes, fund mental health supports, and ensure a well-rounded education.
Participate in the Beaverton School District’s Community Conversations and the Student Success Act Needs Assessment Survey! The law requires school districts to meaningfully engage stakeholders to determine the best investments for students in their local community while explicitly focusing on student mental and behavioral health, addressing disparities based on race or disability, and improving teaching and learning conditions. To ensure that this investment makes a difference for students who have been historically underserved by our system, we are extra focused on reaching students and families of color; students with disabilities; emerging bilingual students; students navigating poverty, homelessness, and foster care; and other students that have historically experienced disparities in our schools. Let BSD know what our students need to be successful!
Wear “Red For Ed” with us on Wednesdays to show that our community is standing up and ready for game-changing investments in Oregon’s schools. Post photos on social media and use the hashtags #RedForEd, #Red4EdOregon and tag us: @BeavertonEA.
Connect with our community coalition, Invest In Oregon. The Invest in Oregon is working to promote investment in Oregon schools and services. Whether it’s participating in a lobby day, speaking out at a town hall, or sharing your personal story — your voice matters. Sign up for an event near you to help invest in Oregon’s future.
Parent and Community Resources from Invest Oregon:
Invest Oregon Funding Fact Sheet
What $2 billion in additional funding means
Get Involved
About the Student Success Act
Parent Advocacy Guide