Bargaining Information

One of the major roles of the association is to bargain and enforce contract language for members.  Your BEA Bargaining Team is at the table now bargaining for the schools our students and educators deserve. You can learn more about the bargaining process here and see a brief glossary of bargaining terms here.

You can see our bargaining sessions here and you can watch today’s bargain livestreamed here. If you have questions or comments about bargaining, please email [email protected].

We’ll be posting our proposals, the District’s proposals, and updates here, so check back often!

Bargaining Updates

June 10, 2024

Good evening colleagues,

We finished our ninth bargaining session with the BSD management team this evening. You can watch today’s bargaining session here.

Today, the BSD team started by sharing this presentation on financials, and then countered the following articles:

  • Article 18 – Compensation – management proposed a cost of living adjustment of 3.5% over each of the next three years.

  • Article 19 – Group Insurance Benefits – management proposed an increase of $75/month in the insurance cap for each of the next three years. They also struck the existing language giving our members the power to ratify substantive changes in insurance plan.

  • In the presentation they shared, management also indicated that they wanted to revert to current contract language in Article 17 (Tuition Reimbursement), that they wanted to change the payroll schedule as we suggested, but at less cost (though they didn’t bring a counter), and that they did not want to engage with our proposed article about the Flex Online school.

Your BEA bargaining team then caucused and decided to counter several articles together in a package. A “package” in bargaining means that we propose articles together in an “all or nothing” group. Management can either can accept the whole shebang or accept nothing. We chose to do this in order to expedite the bargain and to clearly signal members’ priorities (COLA and insurance) while maintaining our ability to revisit these positions if the District rejects the package.

We included the following articles in the BEA package this evening:

  • Article 9 – Safe Learning Environment – we are close on agreement with this article; we’re still working on meaningful tracking of data that will better enable us to support students.

  • Article 10 – Professional Working Conditions – we incorporated the feedback from the member survey about priorities in this bargain, and in this package proposal we maintained equal plan time for elementary educators, and moved to guaranteed voting positions on the committee that advises management about adjustments to class size and caseload. We also reasserted contract language around staff being able to choose committees.

  • Article 17 – Tuition Reimbursement – we went back to current contract language for this article

  • Article 18 – Compensation – we reasserted our previous proposal of a COLA of 9% next year and 7% the year after that, a doubling of the current Outdoor School stipends.

  • Article 19 – Group Insurance Benefits – we proposed an increase in the cap of $157/month in the first year, and an additional increase of $100 the year after that. We also added a trigger that if the rate increase next year is greater than 10%, parties will renegotiate the insurance cap. Finally, we reasserted current contract language giving our membership the power to ratify substantive changes to insurance plans.

You can see all proposals and tentative agreements at the “Bargaining Proposals” tab.

What’s next?

Both teams have agreed to pause the bargaining timeline until the start of the school year in August, and we’ve agreed to a few dates right at the beginning of the year (August 20th is the first one). A few folks asking about the potential for a strike, and we wanted to remind you of two things:

  1. We have to follow the timeline laid out by the Public Employee Collective Bargaining Act (PECBA), which you can see below. We began bargaining on February 15th, and have agreed to pause the timeline over the summer.

  2. BEA members have to authorize a strike, which is done through a strike vote. There are many steps ahead of taking that vote, and we will keep everyone informed as we move forward and continue to escalate our organizing efforts.

In addition, your BEA team will work to negotiate a compensation agreement that is retroactive to the start of the new contract date (July 1st) when we meet in August.

We will see you on August 20th, at 4 pm for our next bargaining session!

In solidarity,
Your BEA Bargaining Team

Suzanne Albrich, Chair, Cooper Mountain ES
Julia Barto, Fir Grove ES
Amy Borlaug, Five Oaks MS
Lora Dee, Sexton Mountain ES
Alysoun Lowe, ISB
Katie Lukins, BEA Vice President
Elizabeth Lynch, Scholls Heights ES
Adam Oyster-Sands, Westview HS
Lindsay Ray, BEA President
Janine Weir, Merlo Station Campus

Emily McCann, OEA Staff
Sara Whelan, OEA Staff


May 30, 2024

Good evening colleagues,

We finished our eighth bargaining session with the BSD management team this evening. You can watch today’s bargaining session here.

Today, your BEA team countered the following articles:

  • Article 9 (Safe Learning Environment) – we started with a slideshow illustrating that the District’s last proposal was quite confusing as well as highlighting the ways that our proposal around systems and referrals align with the BSD Strategic Plan and the BSD Student Code of Conduct. We returned to much of our originally proposed language around allowing educators to take action for the safety of their students, holding administrators accountable for action with dysregulated students, and ensuring we have strong data systems to identify trends and gaps in student supports.
  • Article 11 (Work Year) – we are fighting back and holding firm as the management team is trying to take another hour of time for admin-directed time on staff development days. We also proposed language for a PD calendar to ensure “singleton” educators have the opportunity to attend meaningful PD.
    Finally, in Article 11 we declined their proposed language for early release/late arrival because we don’t want to commit to any contract language without more certainty around what that would look like. We told them we are open to an MOU if and when early release/late arrival becomes a real possibility before our next contract bargain.

The BSD team countered the following articles:

  • Article 8 (Employee Rights and Responsibilities) – management is maintaining that educators’ academic freedom be explicitly tied to specific school board policies and “District guidelines.” This continues to be more restrictive than our proposals (and current contract language).  In addition, management has rejected all of our language around evaluation of educators and our attempts to make that process more transparent for members.
  • Article 12 (Transfers and Vacancies) and Appendix J (MOU for parts of Article 12)– management rejected our language around restricting the number of transfers for a specific member over a specified number of years, and they also are rejecting our attempts to establish specific dates as deadlines for steps in the staffing process (like class size committee recommendations, communicating tentative assignments, and starting the Job Expo). They did however agree to move our language around trading worksites out of the Appendix J MOU and into Article 12, making it permanent.
  • Article 9 (Safe Learning Environment) – management countered our earlier proposal just before the end of our session today. We’ll post this as soon as we have it electronically on the bargaining page. The District moved toward us in their language around seeking assistance for students with extremely disruptive behavior and establishing a consistent system for tracking student behavior.

The BSD team did not bring counters on Article 18 (Compensation) and Article 19 (Group Insurance Benefits) today. Your BEA team shared our frustration and underscored the importance of those two articles especially with open enrollment coming to a close tomorrow.

You can see all proposals and tentative agreements at under the “Bargaining Proposals” tab.

Our next bargaining session is June 10, 4 – 8 pm at the BEA office. Please JOIN US for a gauntlet welcoming the teams to bargaining from 3:30-4 pm, and then come in and watch some of the session in real life! You can also watch the session live on BSD’s YouTube Channel.

Please keep wearing your BEA blue on Tuesdays to show District management that we are stronger together. Your CAT members and building reps have more information about supporting the bargaining team and standing up for the schools our students and members deserve, so be on the lookout for information from them!

In solidarity,
Your BEA Bargaining Team

Suzanne Albrich, Chair, Cooper Mountain ES
Julia Barto, Fir Grove ES
Amy Borlaug, Five Oaks MS
Lora Dee, Sexton Mountain ES
Alysoun Lowe, ISB
Katie Lukins, BEA Vice President
Elizabeth Lynch, Scholls Heights ES
Adam Oyster-Sands, Westview HS
Lindsay Ray, BEA President
Janine Weir, Merlo Station Campus

Emily McCann, OEA Staff
Sara Whelan, OEA Staff


May 16, 2024

Good evening colleagues,

We finished our seventh bargaining session with the BSD management team this evening. You can watch today’s bargaining session here.

Today, your BEA team countered articles around Association Rights and Temporary and Part Time Employees:

  • Article 8 (Employee Rights and Responsibilities) – We brought back much of our originally proposed language, including mitigation for environmental concerns such as classrooms that are too hot or too cold (8.I), as well as a clear evaluation process (8.M).
  • Article 17 (Tuition Reimbursement) – we are still working to secure additional funding for workshops and conferences (17.A.2.a.3)
  • Article 18 (Compensation) – your team countered a 9% COLA for next year and 7% increase for 2025-26. We also reasserted much of our original language proposals for this article, including hourly pay for Outdoor School (18.D).
  • Appendix C (Extended Responsibility Assignments) – we added language to compel BSD to pay for the work that people are doing, rather than forcing programs to fundraise to cover those costs.

The BSD team countered the following articles:

  • Article 9 (Safe Learning Environment) and Appendix G (Student Conduct Plans) – management has removed the words “referral” and “room clears,” and has removed our proposed language establishing consistent mechanisms to track behaviors.
  • Article 11 (Work Year) – management is hinting that they will be working to bring back early release days (though they made it clear it would not happen next year), and is working to increase administrator-directed PD time.
  • Article 10 (Professional Working Conditions) – management finally responded to this article after our initial proposal on February 15th. They declined to even counter our language around class size and caseload caps, saying that hard caps would mean, amongst other things, that they wouldn’t be able to layoff staff in case of a budget shortfall. In a response to our proposal to increase the plan time of elementary specialists to be equivalent to their peers, the BSD team said they can’t do that because they “use specialists to ensure classroom teachers get their plan time.”Needless to say, your bargaining team was incredibly disappointed in the District’s response. That said, it was great to have SO many BEA members sitting behind the bargaining team as the BSD team presented this article!

You can see all proposals and tentative agreements at under the “Bargaining Proposals” tab.

Our next bargaining session is May 30, 10 am-4 pm at the BSD office. You can watch the session live on BSD’s YouTube Channel.

Please keep wearing your BEA blue on Tuesdays to show District management that we are stronger together. Your CAT members and building reps have more information about supporting the bargaining team and standing up for the schools our students and members deserve (including some upcoming gauntlets!), so be on the lookout for information from them!

In solidarity,
Your BEA Bargaining Team

Suzanne Albrich, Chair, Cooper Mountain ES
Julia Barto, Fir Grove ES
Amy Borlaug, Five Oaks MS
Lora Dee, Sexton Mountain ES
Alysoun Lowe, ISB
Katie Lukins, BEA Vice President
Elizabeth Lynch, Scholls Heights ES
Adam Oyster-Sands, Westview HS
Lindsay Ray, BEA President
Janine Weir, Merlo Station Campus

Emily McCann, OEA Staff
Sara Whelan, OEA Staff


May 2, 2024

Good evening colleagues,

We finished our sixth bargaining session with the BSD management team this afternoon. You can watch today’s bargaining session here.

Today, your BEA team countered articles around Association Rights and Temporary and Part Time Employees:

The BSD team countered the following articles:

  • Article 13 (Layoff and Recall) – we won language specifying a timeline of notice of layoff
  • Article 14 (Job Related Injury or Quarantine) – this language was moved to Article 15.K.
  • Article 15 (Paid Leaves of Absence) – we won language around bereavement leave, protections for members on leave around expectations of work-related duties and communication, guaranteed access to District electronic infrastructure for members on leave, and retained the sick leave bank.
  • Article 16 (Unpaid Leaves of Absence) – we won similar language here as in article 15 around expectations of work-related duties and communication and access to District electronic infrastructure while on leave.

We went back and forth a few times with these articles, and reached several tentative agreements during this session for Article 7 (Temporary and Part Time Employees), Article 13 (Layoff and Recall), Article 14 (Job Related Injury and Quarantine), Article 15 (Paid Leaves of Absence), and Article 16 (Unpaid Leaves of Absence). You can see all proposals and tentative agreements at under the “Bargaining Proposals” tab.

Our next bargaining session is May 16, 2-8 pm at the BEA office. You can watch the session live on our YouTube channel. As a reminder, we also made a video explaining the bargaining process and timeline—check it out here.

Please keep wearing your BEA blue on Tuesdays to show District management that we are stronger together. Your CAT members and building reps will have more information about organizing for the very best contract over the next several weeks, so be on the lookout for information from them!

In solidarity,
Your BEA Bargaining Team

Suzanne Albrich, Chair, Cooper Mountain ES
Julia Barto, Fir Grove ES
Amy Borlaug, Five Oaks MS
Lora Dee, Sexton Mountain ES
Alysoun Lowe, ISB
Katie Lukins, BEA Vice President
Elizabeth Lynch, Scholls Heights ES
Adam Oyster-Sands, Westview HS
Lindsay Ray, BEA President
Janine Weir, Merlo Station Campus

Emily McCann, OEA Staff
Sara Whelan, OEA Staff


April 4, 2024

Good afternoon colleagues,

We just finished our fourth bargaining session with the BSD management team.

Today, your BEA team countered articles around transfers and the job expo, language around layoff and recall, as well as language around insurance benefits. We know from our bargaining survey that maintaining robust and affordable insurance coverage is a priority for members, and we are taking into account anticipated increases in insurance premiums as well as the overall budget available for this bargain as we negotiate. You can watch today’s bargaining session here:

  • Article 12 (Vacancy and Transfer) – we want to codify language around limiting the number of transfers allowed for a single employee, as well as the assistance for members who are involuntarily transferred
  • Appendix J (MOU on Article 12) – we are working to hold management accountable to earlier dates for placements and the Job Expo
  • Article 13 (Layoff and Recall) – we want to increase the time of notice for layoffs
  • Article 19 (Group Insurance Benefits) – we are proposing an increase in the cap of $300 in year one and an additional $250 in year two. If we agreed on these numbers, this would definitively maintain two insurance plans under the cap (which means no monthly premium costs to members).

Your BEA team also proposed an MOU (a temporary agreement) around an adjustment in the timeline for when we receive paychecks (shifting from a payment year of August to July to a payment year of September to August), along with a $1,500 bonus. We encourage you to check out a brief slide deck describing the MOU here (here is a presentation of that slide deck). If you have any questions about this MOU, please check in with your CAT member.

The BSD team countered the following articles:

We also reached our very first Tentative Agreement! This means that we have reached agreement on all the language in this article.

Our next bargaining session is April 10, 12-4 pm at the BEA office. You can watch live on our YouTube channel. As a reminder, we also made a video explaining the bargaining process and timeline—check it out here.

Please keep wearing your BEA blue on Tuesdays to show District management that we are stronger together. We have a competition going on during the month of April, and the buildings that have the highest percentage of members in blue will receive paletas in May!

In solidarity,
Your BEA Bargaining Team

Suzanne Albrich, Chair, Cooper Mountain ES
Julia Barto, Fir Grove ES
Amy Borlaug, Five Oaks MS
Lora Dee, Sexton Mountain ES
Alysoun Lowe, ISB
Katie Lukins, BEA Vice President
Elizabeth Lynch, Scholls Heights ES
Adam Oyster-Sands, Westview HS
Lindsay Ray, BEA President
Janine Weir, Merlo Station Campus

Emily McCann, OEA Staff
Sara Whelan, OEA Staff


March 14, 2024

Good afternoon colleagues,

We just finished our third bargaining session with the BSD management team, and we’re making slow progress toward agreements.

Before we talk about which articles were presented today, we want to clarify some language from last week’s communication. When we say that we “passed articles,” that means that we physically passed articles across the table. It does NOT mean that we have reached an agreement. When we do reach an understanding at the table, that is called a “tentative agreement” or “TA.” We’ve started a Bargaining Terms Glossary if you’re interested. We’ll be adding to it as more terms come up.

Today, we passed language for around safe learning environments. We spent time sharing stories from members at the table so that the management team heard current examples of events at schools that are impacting students and staff—we wanted to highlight patterns and inconsistencies around plans and policies, responses to requests for support (or lack thereof), re-entry conversations for students, room clears, and communication with impacted staff. You can watch today’s bargaining session here:

The BSD team countered articles on the grievance process (Article 4), complaints concerning employee performance (Article 6), temporary employees (Article 7) and the layoff and recall process (Article 13). The articles they passed are below:

Your BEA team was also able to counter Articles 4 and 6 during the session today. We’re getting close to agreement on those two articles:

Our next bargaining session is April 4, 12-4 pm at the BSD office. You can watch live on our YouTube channel. As a reminder, we also made a video explaining the bargaining process and timeline—check it out here.

Don’t forget that your reps and CAT members have posters with our bargaining platform—please sign these as a show of solidarity, get a picture with the members at your buliding, and then display them proudly at your worksite. Please keep wearing your BEA blue on Tuesday to show District management that we are stronger together!

In solidarity,
Your BEA Bargaining Team

Suzanne Albrich, Chair, Cooper Mountain ES
Julia Barto, Fir Grove ES
Amy Borlaug, Five Oaks MS
Lora Dee, Sexton Mountain ES
Alysoun Lowe, ISB
Katie Lukins, BEA Vice President
Elizabeth Lynch, Scholls Heights ES
Adam Oyster-Sands, Westview HS
Lindsay Ray, BEA President
Janine Weir, Merlo Station Campus

Emily McCann, OEA Staff
Sara Whelan, OEA Staff


March 7, 2024

Good evening colleagues,

Tonight we had our second session with the BSD management team. We passed language for utilizing sick leave (and the sick leave bank), streamlining the grievance process, and clarifying timelines for layoff and recall, among other things. The articles below were passed:

The BSD team countered our articles on imminent threat and administrative support for student conduct plans (Article 9), transfers and the Job Expo (Article 12), and compensation and insurance benefits (Articles 18 and 19). The articles they passed are below (we will provide links to these on our website as soon as we receive them in electronic form from the management team):

  • Article 5 (Just Cause)
  • Article 9 (Safe Learning Environment)
  • Article 12 (Vacancies and Transfer)
  • Article 18 (Compensation) – 3% increase over each of the next 3 years
  • Article 19 (Group Insurance Benefits) – increase of $50 on the monthly cap (which falls very short of predicted insurance premium increases)

Our next bargaining session is March 14th, 12-4 pm at the BEA office. You can watch today’s bargaining session here. We also made a video explaining the bargaining process and timeline—check it out here.

Your reps/CAT members have posters with our bargaining platform—please sign these as a show of solidarity. Many of your CAT members were in the room with us tonight or watching on Zoom, and will have more information about the session. Please keep wearing your BEA blue on Tuesday to show District management that we are stronger together!

In solidarity,
Your BEA Bargaining Team

Suzanne Albrich, Chair, Cooper Mountain ES
Julia Barto, Fir Grove ES
Amy Borlaug, Five Oaks MS
Lora Dee, Sexton Mountain ES
Alysoun Lowe, ISB
Katie Lukins, BEA Vice President
Elizabeth Lynch, Scholls Heights ES
Adam Oyster-Sands, Westview HS
Lindsay Ray, BEA President
Janine Weir, Merlo Station Campus

Emily McCann, OEA Staff
Sara Whelan, OEA Staff


February 15, 2024

Good evening colleagues, 

Today was our first bargaining session with the District. We are at the table working for better working conditions for educators and better learning conditions for students. We passed aggressive and exciting proposals today to secure the schools our students and educators deserve, and we are excited that we were able to cover so much ground in our first session with management.

BSD provided “terms of engagement” that they have chosen to follow. Your BEA team declined to agree to those terms as we believe in an open and transparent process and don’t want to remove any of the tools we have to secure the best contract for members. We did agree to start the bargaining timeline, outlined below, today.

Your BEA team proposed the following articles in our opening today:

The BSD team proposed the following articles (we will provide links to these on our website as soon as we receive them in electronic form from the management team):

  • Article 1 – Status of Agreement
  • Article 2 – Association Rights and Responsibilities
  • Article 4 – Grievance Procedures
  • Article 6 – Complaints Concerning Employee Performance
  • Article 13 – Layoff and Recall
  • Article 15 – Paid Time Off

The BEA team was also able to offer a counterproposal to Article 2 (calendar committee!) this evening.

Our next bargaining session is March 7th, 4-8 pm at the District Office. Your CAT team members will be able to attend in person, and anyone can watch us on YouTube here. We are stronger together!

In solidarity, 

Your BEA Bargaining Team,
Suzanne Albrich, Chair, Cooper Mountain ES
Juila Barto, Fir Grove ES
Amy Borlaug, Five Oaks MS
Lora Dee, Sexton Mountain ES
Alysoun Lowe, ISB
Katie Lukins, BEA Vice President
Elizabeth Lynch, Scholls Heights ES
Adam Oyster-Sands, Westview HS
Lindsay Ray, BEA President
Janine Weir, Merlo Station Campus

Emily McCann, OEA Staff
Sara Whelan, OEA Staff

Bargaining Proposals

Check here to see the status of each article (which team is holding it, when it was last countered, whether or not there is a tentative agreement, etc.).




    BEA and BSD Bargaining Teams

    Your BEA bargaining team members are:

    • Suzanne Albrich, Chair, 4th grade teacher at Cooper Mountain Elementary, Chair
    • Julia Barto, 1st grade teacher at Fir Grove Elementary
    • Amy Borlaug, science teacher at Five Oaks Middle School
    • Lora Dee, Structured Routines Center (SRC) teacher at Sexton Mountain Elementary
    • Alysoun Lowe, language arts teacher at International School of Beaverton
    • Katie Lukins, elementary teacher, BEA Vice President
    • Elizabeth Lynch, music teacher at Scholls Heights Elementary
    • Adam Oyster-Sands, language arts teacher, Westview High School
    • Lindsay Ray, high school math teacher, BEA President
    • Janine Weir, Project Reset teacher at Merlo Station

    BEA is also working with the following OEA staff:

    • Emily McCann, OEA Uniserv Consultant for BEA
    • Sara Whelan, OEA Uniserv Consultant for BEA
    • Robert Young, Statewide Bargaining Coordinator

    The BSD bargaining team members are:

    • Janine Mobley, Chair, Executive Administrator for Human Resources
    • Brian Hungerford, Hungerford Law Firm Partner
    • Matthew Casteel, Aloha High School Principal
    • Johanna Castillo, Meadow Park Middle School Principal
    • Michelle Fowles, Human Resources Supervisor
    • Veronica Galvan, Administrator for Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment
    • Laurie Huntwork, Jacob Wismer Elementary Principal
    • Erica Marson, Executive Administrator for Human Resources
    • Susan Rodriguez, Chief Human Resources Officer
    • Mike Schofield, Associate Superintendent of Business Services
    • Curtis Semana, Executive Administrator for Human Resources
    • Shirley Valladares, Assistant Administrator for Special Education
    • Karen Pérez, BSD School Board Chair
    Contract Action Team (CAT) Members


    Emily Thackray
    Miranda Zigler


    Aloha HS

    Vince Kirnak


    Aloha Huber Park K-8

    Priscilla Paik
    Ali Blais
    Gustavo Cervantes Vargas
    Stefania Ramirez Velasquez
    Andrea Cruz Solis
    Magdalena Munoz Rivera


    Teresa Chircop



    Emily Steinhauer
    Brenden Kehoe
    Grant Fruhwirth
    Sean Rains

    Beaver Acres

    Courtney Walker


    Beaverton HS

    Anna Killion
    Greg Karakashian
    Hailey DeMarre
    Katie Gillard
    Jeff Buckingham
    Mike Hereford


    Erin Gettling
    Mary Ellen McGinty


    Bonny Slope

    David Green


    Capital Center

    Melody von Weller
    Kyla Zaworski
    Steven Baer
    Erin Rosett


    Cedar Mill

    Jessica Becker
    Sara Joehnk
    Mike Hellis

    Cedar Park MS

    Trisha Parks
    Krysta Johnson



    Jo Nelson


    Conestoga MS

    Ashley Wilson
    Rae Ann Strauser
    Liz Baer
    Tara Walker

    Cooper Mountain

    Stacey Dalton


    District TOSAs

    Gretchen Mollers



    Alison Breshears
    Megan Stauffer


    Errol Hassell

    Amie Davenport
    Jon Samuelson
    Ann Nordstrom



    Jen Falkowski
    Su Hargrave


    Fir Grove

    Moe Caryl
    Stacy Serrao


    Five Oaks MS

    Katrina Flasch
    Brooke Zimmerle
    Korin Galgano



    Meaghan Petty


    Highland Park MS

    Dahviya Eriksson



    Heidi West


    Jacob Wismer

    Yvette Wallace
    Dan Silver



    Jordan Crownover
    Cassi Moore



    Bismah Sabri
    Lynn Fowler


    Meadow Park

    Kala Ott
    Renae Stratton
    Jennifer Hoffman


    Merlo Station

    John Stapleton
    Alison Macklem


    Nancy Ryles

    Victoria Fennell



    Joni Busche


    Oak Hills

    Wendy Evans


    Raleigh Hills

    Amy Brennen
    Colleen Kellogg


    Raleigh Park

    Trish Pazdalski
    Tricia Howery



    Mocalina Shearer


    Rock Creek

    Jessica Neal
    Ashley Hamby



    Tamara Glem
    Anna Bradley
    Drew Dahlen
    Janae Hiersche

    Scholls Heights

    Cat Crenshaw
    Cheryl Brous
    Laurie Umiger



    April Messinetti



    Jenna Lempesis


    Stoller MS

    Jonathon Martin
    Carly Stevenson
    Kristin McCartney


    Sunset HS

    Tamsen Profit


    West T-V

    Darleen Anderson

    Westview HS

    Jessica Perry
    Tim Shaw
    Lauren Goemaat
    Danielle Mulvihill
    Jessica Loomis
    Corinna Tricarico
    Lowell Wes Adams
    Mary Gray
    Cohen Perry
    Kyle Kinzler

    Whitford MS

    Matt Brown
    Carolee Dearborn
    Kristine Napper


    William Walker

    Kathleen Parker
    Rich Feely