Our union is the strongest when our members are engaged! Your association membership is like belonging to a gym – you have to show up to get the best results. Get involved by attending 10 minute meetings with your Building Reps, participate in surveys, read newsletters, talk to your Building Reps about concerns or questions, wear RedForEd on Wednesdays, be familiar with the BEA contract, speak up to protect member rights, and contact the BEA Office if you have urgent questions or concerns. We are stronger together!
Where to find information:
BEA Website: Visit the website to find the Collective Bargaining Agreement, information about association dues, BEA workshops and trainings, contact information for Executive Board members, and more.
OEA Website: Visit the website to find information about state-wide conferences and trainings, member rights, professional development, leadership opportunities, student loan forgiveness, legal support, and other member benefits.
NEA Website: Visit the website to find information about education issues and and action steps, classroom resources, advice and support, and a host of other NEA Member Benefits.
Need help? Here’s who to contact:
Concerns, non-urgent questions, or contract violations in your building:
Contact your Building Rep first. If you don’t know who your Reps are, the list for each school is on the BEA website. For confidential matters, email Sara Schmitt (BEA President), Karen Lally (BEA Vice President), Val Sebesta (OEA Consultant), or our confidential email address (to contact us with your personal email address).
Urgent questions, emergencies:
Call the BEA Office at 503-645-6066 to talk with the OEA Consultant or BEA leadership.
Discrimination, harassment or hostile work environment complaints:
Follow the BSD complaint process. These are not filed through the Association, but we are happy to talk you through the process and help answer any questions.
Stay connected:
Social media: Following BEA on social media is a fun way to stay connected to your union – we post about events, link to articles, show solidarity with other unions and coalition partners, and post sharable content. Follow BEA on: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.