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BEA Committees and Task Forces

BEA has several committees and task forces dedicated to various topics and causes. See below for committee descriptions. If you’d like to express interest in a committee or task force, let us know here!

Bargaining Committee

The chairperson shall be appointed by the President. The BEA Executive Board Liaison shall be the President, UniServ Consultant, and Bargaining Chair. The President shall act as spokesperson to membership, District, press, and general public. Members are appointed for a one-year term or until the contract is ratified. Responsibilities of the Bargaining Team include: 

  1. Prepare proposals to present to District. 
  2. Bargain according to rules in ORS 243.650 to ORS 243.782 a. Salaries b. Fringe benefits c. Other conditions of employment d. Issues important to the membership 
  3. Have a ratified contract by end of current school year. 
  4. Meet regularly according to calendar
  5. Special meetings may be called by chair.
  6. Must choose secretary to keep continuing record of activities.
  7. Chairperson shall report to Executive Board and Rep Assembly, as necessary.

    Chair: Suzanne Albrich

    Beaverton Political Action Committee (BPAC)

    Develop proposed legislative positions, communicate with legislators and congress, make and support recommendations for political candidates, school board candidates, and ballot measures. Communicate with the membership regarding committee activities and seek to increase membership in B-PAC, OEA-PAC, and NEA-PAC. Meets monthly and as needed for candidate endorsement interviews.

    Budget Committee

    Members shall include the President, newly elected President, Vice President, and Treasurer, as well as any other appointments. Usually meets over the summer.

    Responsibilities of the Budget Committee include: 

    1. Prepare an annual BEA Program Budget.
    2. Present proposed budget to Executive Board for consideration. 
    3. Meet regularly according to calendar developed in cooperation with Executive Board. 
    4. Special meetings may be called by President.
    5. Treasurer shall report to Executive Board and Rep Assembly, as necessary. He/she shall prepare an annual written report summarizing objectives, programs, gains, and unattained goals.

    Chair: Lindsay Ray

    Communications Task Force

    This task force is focused on communication to members, help streamline BEA communication, create a calendar of communication, look at different ways to communicate to members.

    Chair: Janae’ Hiersche

    Community Relations Committee

    Develop and assist in implementing an ongoing community relations program.  Develop public awareness and understanding of educational and labor issues and improve educators’ image in the community.

    Community Schools Task Force

    Will help to educate BEA members and the community about the pillars of Community Schools, identify organizations to partner with to develop a community schools model, and research successful models of community schools around the country.

    Chair: Lauren McCartney

    Elections Committee

    No candidate of an election for the Association shall serve on the Elections Committee .

    The Elections Committee will accept nominations for vacant positions, accept and publicize candidate campaign materials, disseminate voting materials to the general membership, and report results to the President and Executive Board.  Special meetings may be called by the Chair. The Chair shall archive election results.

    Chair: Erin Gettling

    Elections Guidelines Task Force

    Created by an NBI brought to the March Rep Assembly, this task force will research and develop campaigning guidelines for BEA elections. The task force will present their findings and recommended guidelines to the RA for approval by October 2024 in order to have guidelines in place for the 2025 BEA elections. 

    Chair: Erin Gettling

    Grievance Committee

    Represent and assist members in resolution of employment related problems, determine whether contract grievances shall be arbitrated, and monitor BEA Collective Bargaining Agreements. Meets as needed.

    Chair: Suzanne Albrich

    Membership Committee

    Identify and train potential leaders that are representative of BEA membership, increase membership, create opportunities for member involvement, promote the work and accomplishments of BEA members, plan and implement SPARKS, and welcome and orient new members to BEA.

    Negotiations Advisory Committee

    Research, survey, and prepare negotiations proposals based on member needs in salaries, fringe benefits, rights, and other conditions of employment. A bargaining team shall be selected by the President to include some members from the Negotiations Advisory Committee. Meets during bargaining years prior to going to the table. 

    Chair: Juveria Khan

    Organizing Committee

    Develop and maintain organizing structures within BEA membership, facilitate communication during campaigns, and recruit organizer leaders. The members shall be appointed by the President, subject to the approval of the Executive Board.

    Joint PD Advisory Committee

    Per Article 10.E.6 of our collective bargaining agreement:

    A jointly appointed District Professional Development Advisory Committee composed of administrators and teachers and co-chaired by the Association President and the Deputy Superintendent/designee shall meet at least monthly to discuss District-level planning for and implementation of curriculum revisions and District-wide program changes and priorities which may have a significant impact on unit members.

    Co-chaired by Lindsay Ray and BSD Teaching and Learning Executive Administrator Josh Fritts

    Racial and Social Justice Committee

    Educate and provide resources for members to celebrate and empower students, families, and educators who are people of color, identify as LGBTQ+, and/or belong to another historically marginalized group.  Advocate for systemic change that will ensure every student, family, and educator feels seen, safe, and engaged.

    Chair: Lexie Barth

    Joint Special Education Committee

    Per Article 10.E.2 of our collective bargaining agreement: 

    A jointly appointed Special Education Committee, co-chaired by a designee of the Association President and the Executive Administrator for Student Services or designee, and comprised of representation from resource room teachers, SLPs, psychologists and specialized program teachers, will meet quarterly to discuss and problem-solve special education topics.

    Co-chaired by Lindsay Ray and Executive Administrator for Special Education Ann Ziehl

    Substitute Advisory Committee

    Provide information and recommend action to the Executive Board regarding concerns and needs of substitute educators.  The Executive Board Substitute Member shall chair this committee and work as its liaison to the Executive Board.

    Other opportunities to get involved with your union:

    Bargaining starts tomorrow!

    One of the major roles of the association is to bargain and enforce contract language for members.  Right now, we are in the midst of several bargains: our financial re-opener from last spring continues, we bargained working conditions for CDL, we have issued a demand to bargain for LIPI and Hybrid instruction, and our full contract bargain officially begins in spring 2021 (though we’re already starting to work on that). Check out our bargaining page to learn about the bargaining process and find out how you can get involved.

    Get Involved: Represent Beaverton as a Representative Assembly Delegate!

    The Oregon Education Association Representative Assembly is the yearly meeting in which elected delegates come together to debate and vote on governing documents and new business items, which will guide the direction of OEA. BEA has a long-standing history of involvement in this process, which has resulted in positive changes that have benefited our members. The OEA RA will be April 17th and 18th at the Red Lion at Jantzen Beach in Portland.

    Video: Be an OEA Representative Assembly Delegate! 

    The National Education Association Representative Assembly is similar to the OEA RA but on a much larger scale, it involves thousands of NEA members. Elected delegates debate and vote on governing documents, policies and new business items, which help guide our national organization. The 2020 NEA RA will be held from July 2-6, in Atlanta, Georgia.

    Nominations for delegates to the Oregon Education Association and the National Education Association Representative Assemblies are due by Friday. January 17, 2020.  Only current BEA members are eligible to be delegates.  Elections will be held the week of February 3, 2020.

    If you want more information, have questions, or wish to run for either of these positions, please contact BEA Elections Chair, Erin Gettling, or BEA Vice President, Karen Lally.