Conducting Compliant IEP Meetings Under SB819: A Step-by-Step Guide – A joint webinar by the Oregon Education Association and the Oregon Department of Education
Senate Bill 819 signed into law in July 2023 significantly modifies the requirements for Abbreviated Day School Day Programs for students with disabilities. This is a big change for Oregon students, families and educators, and we know you have questions! OEA is joining with the Oregon Department of Education to go deeper into the nuts and bolts of the law in a 90-minute webinar on Tuesday, Aug. 29 from 4:30-6 p.m. Register here!
In this webinar, you will get an overview of SB 819 and gain practical strategies for holding compliant Individualized Education Program meetings under the requirements of the bill on abbreviated school days. ODE presenters Tenneal Weatherall and Eric Wells will walk through a detailed IEP meeting process flow chart, providing guidance for before, during and after initial placement of a student on an abbreviated schedule. You will leave with sample tools, resources, and confidence in your ability to navigate this new legislative landscape. Note: Prior review of the ODE SB 819 toolkit and resources is helpful but not necessary.
• Tenneal Weatherall is the Assistant Superintendent of the Office of Enhancing Student Opportunities
• Eric Wells is the Director of IDEA Programs in the Office of Enhancing Student Opportunities
• Reed Scott-Schwalbach is a high school Spanish teacher and President of the Oregon Education Association
• Andrea Barnum is the Education Policy & Practice Strategist for the Oregon Education Association
• Erin Whitlock is a Professional Practice Professional for the Oregon Education Association
Register here for this event. This workshop is free for BEA members.